A Scholar Urges Gov’t, People of Ethiopia to Repel Foreign Pressure, End Terrorist Groups

A scholar has urged the people and government of Ethiopia to stand together to successfully repel the foreign pressures being exerted by some members of the international community with the intention of weakening the country and instill a puppet regime in the horn of Africa.

Head of School of Diplomacy and International Relation at Civil Service University Endale Niguse told ENA that some western countries are working their level best to weaken the government of Ethiopia with a view to instilling a puppet regime that will serve their interest in the Horn of Africa.

According to him, most of the world powers are very much interested to have fulfilled their interest in the Horn of Africa.

The Horn of Africa is an important strategic region that comprises of the Red sea connecting the three huge continents of the globe namely Africa, Europe and Asia, he said.

“It is also one of the most important locations in the world for its huge trade activities including the world’s 40 percent of oil transportation because of its proximity to the oil-rich Arabian Peninsula. Due to this, several international powers have been attracted to region in abide to attain their political and economic advantages by establishing military base in the region.”

According to the scholar, some of these powers are working to establish a puppet regime that works for them in order to realize their interest in the region.

The government of Ethiopia has been promoting regional integration by engaging neighboring countries including Somalia and Eritrea with a view to realizing peace, security and regional development.

He said that Ethiopia’s current foreign policy doesn’t feet with the interest being promoted by these world powers.

“Ethiopia has been following foreign policy that helps to maintain a diplomatic relation with all countries across the globe, but this kind of foreign policy is not confortable for them as their intention is to use the government for their only interest.”

In this regard, the pressure from the Western powers will increase until their intention to dismantling Ethiopia is realized, the scholar added.

Despite the unexplainable atrocities of the terrorist TPLF, some members of the international community have not dared to condemn and take the appropriate measures in order to stop the group from its continued heinous acts.

“What they need in the region is a government that attains their interest. For instant, the terrorist TPLF’s atrocities are huge in Ethiopia. People are being brutally killed by the group. However, the reaction from some of the international powers is the contrary. Some of them even have been supporting the group.

The way out from such international pressure is to create a strong unity among the people of Ethiopia to end the terrorist TPLF group from the land of the country, he said.

The government and the people must work together  to resist the pressures from the West and abolish the terrorist group for once and all, the scholar urged.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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