70-Year-Old Man Graduates with MA Degree from University in Ethiopia

A 70-year-old man graduated with a Master of Arts (MA) degree from Bule Hora University in Ethiopia.

Most people complete or stop education at early age well before the age of retirement, which is exactly 60 for civil servants in Ethiopia.

Contrary to this, Ali Safi, 70, who graduated with MA in Marketing and Management without succumbing to life hassles and family affairs appeared on the stage as a special awardee of the university.

He is cherished with 8 children and 4 grandchildren. After graduating with Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree 30 years ago, he spent the past decades engaged in family affairs and away from the education he loves.

“Today, I am happy that I fulfilled my ambition at a later age,” Ali said. “If there is interest, age cannot limit knowledge.”

Education is the key to solve the problems of the world and that should not be limited by aging, he said, practically proving that it is never too late to graduate with MA even at the age of 70.

Ali hopes that his achievement could inspire generations to continue education without succumbing to life hassles and aging to solve the problems of their society.

Bule Hora University located in Oromia Region graduated 1,493 students in various fields of study for the 9th time yesterday.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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