55th Session of ECA Committee of Experts Kicks off in Addis Ababa

The 55th session of the Economic Commission for Africa Committee of Experts kicks off in Addis Ababa today with both online and in-person participation.

The meeting included professionals from around the Continent with diverse levels of experience.

Addressing the meeting, State Minister for Planning and Development Dr. Nemera Gebeyehu Mamo stressed that a big number of non-poor Africans are on the edge of becoming poor as a result of a combination of compounding shocks, including the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change.

He stated that it is critical to mobilize both domestic and global resources promptly in order to support investments in basic infrastructure and services, job creation, and social protection.

In order to finance investments in basic infrastructure and services, job creation, and social protection, he said it is crucial to immediately mobilize domestic and external resources.

Acting Executive Secretary of ECA, Antonio Pedro also made an opening statement about the significance of the meeting.

Senegal handed over the next chairmanship to Uganda.

The meeting of experts will continue for two days before the ministerial session kicks off.

The week-long ministerial session will be held under the theme “Fostering recovery and transformation in Africa to reduce inequalities and vulnerabilities”.

The Session will review the state of economic and social development in Africa as well as progress on regional integration.

African ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, representatives of member States, entities of the United Nations system, pan-African financial institutions, African academic and research institutions, development partners and intergovernmental organizations are expected to attend the meeting.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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