4th Ethio-Canada Trade, Investment Forum Underway in Toronto

The 4th Ethio-Canada Trade and Investment Forum is underway in Toronto, Canada.

State Minister of Trade and Regional Integration, Kasahun Gofe and Ethiopian Ambassador to the USA, Fisum Arega, are participating at the two day forum.

During the occasion, Ambassador Fisum said the objectives of the forum is to provide information to Canadian investors about the opportunities created due to the reform underway in Ethiopia  including the country’s Homegrown Economic Reform and the investment potentials.

The ambassador called on the Canadian investors to engage in mining, agriculture, tourism, technological developments and manufacturing sectors in Ethiopia.

State Minister of Trade and Regional Integration, Kasahun Gofe expressed happiness for the opportunity created to promote Ethiopia’s investment opportunities and to discuss ways on how to strengthen the trade relations between Ethiopia and Canada.

The State minister further pointed out that such forum has a great deal of contribution to expand Ethiopia’s foreign trade destinations.

The participants have been exchanging views on ways to strengthening the bilateral relations between Ethiopia and Canada particularly in the areas of Trade and Investment.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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