48th IGAD Ordinary Ministerial Council Kicks Off in Khartoum

The 48th Ordinary Session of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Council of Ministers convened today in Khartoum.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen is in Khartoum attending the 48th IGAD Council Ministers meeting.

At the opening session, Executive Secretary of IGAD, Workneh Gebeyehu said positive developments have been witnessed in peace making and stability in the region citing the recently concluded peace agreement in Ethiopia, where IGAD played pivotal role.

It is indeed a welcome development for the people and Government of Ethiopia, the region and the continent at large, Workneh noted.

Furthermore, he stated that IGAD is working closely with member states to respond to challenges including climate change, drought, pest invasions and seasonal flooding which are contributing to food in security.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke for his part underlined that peace and security situation is of a paramount importance in the region, and noted the unwavering support of member states during those difficult days is cherished by the people of Ethiopia.

The peaceful resolutions of the conflict in north Ethiopia on the basis of full respect for the unity and territorial integrity of Ethiopia underpins a lesson as an African solution to African problems to the region and beyond.

Demeke expressed his concerns over the series impacts of climate change and drought and called for concerted efforts by Member countries and partners to avert the immediate crises.

The IGAD meeting is expected to cover topics such as the current state of peace and security in the Horn of Africa, conflicts, natural disasters, and humanitarian aid, food security, as well as other regional and global concerns.

The IGAD Ministerial Council is expected to listen the regional peace and security, as well as humanitarian situation report.

A report on the status of IGAD’s institutional reforms will also be presented and discussed, according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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