2021 Second Round Ethiopia Humanitarian Fund Reserve Allocation – Allocation Strategy Paper (Project Proposal Deadline: 27 August 2021)
I. Overview/Background
This document outlines the strategic objectives for the Ethiopia Humanitarian Fund (EHF) 2021 Second Round Reserve Allocation. In 2021, the EHF has allocated close to US$46 million supporting 69 projects through the first reserve and standard allocations. These allocations have aimed at allocating funding to support the response to critical humanitarian needs across the country.
This allocation avails US$20 million, which is determined by the Humanitarian Coordinator in consultation with the Advisory Board based on consultations with the clusters’ coordination mechanism. With the completion of the First Standard Allocation and new commitments from donors, the EHF has a balance of close to $22.5 million leaving $1.6 million as the emergency reserve for unforeseen needs. Disbursement to partners will be made as per actual transfer/deposit of donor contributions.
This allocation aims to provide an immediate humanitarian response to new emerging critical needs and serve as a multiplier effect to scale-up the ongoing response in the northern part of the country targeting IDPs and host communities and expanding to newly affected areas. It will focus on the Northern regions of Ethiopia, owing to the further deterioration of the humanitarian needs, increased access within Tigray and a spill over of the conflict dynamics in neighbouring regions of Afar and Amhara. In doing so, it will further support localization efforts and a close integration of protection, accountability and gender considerations into programming. Noting the volatile context and access constraints, this allocation will also support flexible programming and strong collaboration and inclusion of national NGOs.
The specific geographic focus of this allocation should not overshadow the scale of financing needs to support humanitarian activities in other areas of the country. Such areas will be closely considered in subsequent allocations in 2021, building upon funding already allocated since the beginning of the year.
Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs