1st JCC Held for Climate Resilience Project

On May 17, 2022, the 1st Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC) Meeting was held for Project for Strengthening of Climate Resilience through Climate-Smart Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural Resource Management in Ethiopia (Climate Resilience Project).

The meeting was chaired by Mr. Addisu Negash, Project Director (Ministry of Agriculture) with the remarks by himself and Dr. Katsuki Morihara, Chief Representative of JICA Ethiopia Office. While highlighting the importance of this project in the context of global climate change, Dr. Morihara reiterated the importance of high level of leadership and ownership from the Ethiopian side for the success of the project.

Mr. Seifudin Mehadi, Co-Project Director (Director General, Oromia Environmental Protection Authority) mentioned the commitment of Ethiopia to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and called all stakeholders from the federal to the wereda level to commit to the activities to this effect. During the meeting, JCC members discussed activities and achievement related to FFS human resource training and forest coffee management, which are the major components of the project, and agreed on the plan of operation.

Source: JICA Ethiopia

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